Establishment and Tax Information

United Sikh Mission · Registered Entity ID : 2902273

United Sikh Mission USA is a Section 501(c) (3) charitable organization, EIN 20-5433160.
Recognized by State Of California, Franchise Tax Board

All donations are tax-deductible under Sector 170 of IRC 501 (c) (3)

United Sikh Mission (India) is a Registered under 80G of the Income Tax Act 1961 charitable organization, PAN AAATU4109N, TAN No. JLDU00947C.

Approved under 80G(5)(vi.) No. CIT (Exemptions)/CHD/80G/2015-15/6033 Dated 30.11.2015

Please send an email to once you have made a donation, so we can confirm receipt.

Company Documents

1. Tax-Exempt Status 501(c)(3) by Franchise Tax Board, California, USA (Dated: 23.08.2006)

2. Certificate Of Registration Of Societies, India (Dated: 20.12.2013)

2A. Registration of Firms & Societies, Punjab, India (Dated: December 7th, 2012)

3. Scheme for Participation of Voluntary Organizations, India (Dated: 21.08.2013)

4. California Legislature Assembly Certificate Of Recognition – Outstanding Service to Community during COVID-19  (Dated: 30.05.2020)

5. State of California Assembly Certificate Of Recognition – Unsung Heroes of Southern California Outstanding Service to Community during COVID-19  (Dated: 30.05.2020)

6. City of Fortana Certificate Of Recognition

6A. City of Fortana Certificate of Recognition, California, USA (Dated:July 30th, 2020)

7. Mayor’s Recognition – Unsung Heroes of Jurupa Valley (Dated: 30.05.2020)

8. Certificate of Congressional Recognition, California, USA (Dated:May 30th, 2020)

9. State of California Senate Certificate Of Recognition – Unsung Heroes of Southern California Outstanding Service to Community during COVID-19  (Dated: May 16th, 2020)

10. Citylink Certificate of Appreciation (Dated: July 1st, 2020)

11. City of Irvine – Appreciation Letter for donation of meals (Dated: May 1st, 2020)

12. Kartarpur Sahib Book in English

13. Yellow MonoBlock Article on Rahspal Singh Dhindsa